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The subtraction principle
Bruce Lee coined the phrase: “Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless.” When asked how he created the masterpiece sculpture David,...
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The path and the destination
No business plan survives first contact with real customers. No financial plan, relationship plan, or other life plan endures in its...
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People often site lack of resources (money, connections, environment, support, their biology, the economy) to rationalize their lack of...
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Perspectives for gratitude
Unless you’re extremely unlucky, it’s easy to see that life could be worse. This recognition doesn’t make problems go away of course....
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Mental training
We all know that physical exercise is healthy, easier to maintain than regain, and that despite diverse innate abilities we can all...
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When bad things happen
I find it valuable to do this post-game analysis after unpleasant events: Ask myself if (a) I was part of the cause, or (b) something...
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Measure what matters
This is the easiest time in history to measure anything – your popularity on Instagram; your weight; last month’s sales; average miles...
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Guilt and shame
A psychology study in a prison revealed that about 90% of those incarcerated were told by their parents that they would end up in jail....
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Self first is not selfish
The “put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others” airplane instruction is a strong example of how we can best be of service to...
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Give bleakness the boot
While some of us have unlucky wiring that makes us predisposed to depression, no one on earth is immune to it. A simple tactic can...
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Simple vs. Easy
Some exercises (Turkish getup) are complex and require coordination. Others (sprinting uphill) can inspire results, and while simple,...
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Scheduling things that matter
Many of us who are vigilant about managing our calendars don’t use them in ways that best serve us. We use calendars to schedule...
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Disorders and compassion
For those of us who don’t suffer from mental or psychological disorders, it can be difficult to empathize with those who are bipolar,...
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Get over what “they” think of you
Our need for approval has us pursuing unfulfilling careers and relationships, and saying “yes” out of obligation rather than desire. The...
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Deliberate practice makes perfect
In Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, he presents 10,000 as the magic number of practice hours a person must devote to achieve mastery. ...
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Feelings and behavior
Feelings aren’t always logical, but they’re always “true” in the sense that our emotions are whatever they are, for right or wrong...
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Why discipline is the way to freedom
World-renowned former Navy Seal Jocko Willink coined the phrase “discipline equals freedom”. It seems counter-intuitive that being more...
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Seeing things as “fit”
Is it better to rent or buy? Start a business or get a job? The better question is: What’s a better fit for me? The truth is, your exes...
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Getting past the race
We teach kids to share toys when they’re not using them, and to applaud their siblings and friends’ achievements. As adults, we can...
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Conversing and arguing
Conversation that includes disagreement seems to be a lost art. People get emotional when their beliefs are challenged. This can cause...
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Detroit, MI |
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